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About in Access Media

Inaccess Madia offers consulting branding and implementation services in a language that you can understand. We listen to what you have to say then develop a big picture understanding of what it is you are trying to do. We help you identify and set your goals, then develop a start-to-finish strategy that works with your budget. Together, we work with you every step of the way to provide and implement an effective solution that meets your objectiveness on time and within budget. It's simple strategy that works. At Inaccess Media we strive to be creative in everything we do, from content management to client services, from design to technical. We are in business to serve our client not to win awards. Meeting your objective within budget and on deadline is our responsibility. We believe in keeping it as simple as possible. We don't just throw in fashionable gimmicks and use fancy techniques because they are available and we carefully select the most suitable technology to complement the project. Even the greatest ideas falter without successful execution.

About Us

About in Access Media

What We Do We are a web design agency helping businesses of all size get a better return from online activities. We design and build stunning bespoke websites and we can help with a wide range of online marketing strategies. Every website that we create is designed and built by our team of friendly web designers and you have full content management so that you can update your website whenever you wish. We have an innovative way of working, removing unnecessary costs, offering lower prices than other similar web design agencies. Please explore the services and packages that we offer, read some of the reviews about what our existing clients say and take a look at the quality our work. If you are looking to find a website design agency then we'd love to hear from you..

Why Inaccess Media

Commitment : We strive hard to render the best possible results. That is why we get appreciation from our clients trategy_plan_manage
Respect: Our values of integrity, transparency and customer delight infuse motivation in our daily routine activities robot icon
Ethical : Under the visionary guidance of our mentor who has vast knowledge and experience in this domain. graph small icon
Affordable : For the enhanced performances we conduct extensive market research that helps offer best solution

Our mission

is to help customers achieve their business objectives by providing innovative, best-in-class consulting, IT solutions and services. We function as a IT partner to business, offering a consulting -plan - implementation approach with an integrated portfolio of technology IT solutions that encompass the entire Enterprise value chain. "Well done is better than well said."
Our Core Values
Our core values are captured in the word CODES. Codes are the building blocks of any application software development process. These values are defined as follows.

  • Customer's Satisfaction
  • O pen door Policy
  • Dedication to Innovation
  • Excellent Solutions
  • Service to Humanity.

Team Members

Professional Stuffs

Festo Lodrick


Software Developer,App Designer,Web Designer & Graphic Designer

Janeth Vicent

Office Asistance

Office Asistance & Secretary

Donald Peter

General Manager

Web Design & Graphic Design


Our Trusted Brands

Philips Arusha Tanzania


+255 768 376 279

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